Yixin Lin

Visiting Graduate Student

Fall 2023 - Winter 2024


I am Yixin Lin, a visiting PhD student from Denmark, and I will be working in the Ha lab for 6 months. I am currently in my second year at Aarhus University, Denmark. My projects mainly focus on variant calling of ctDNA single nucleotide variations, including both variant caller benchmarking on deep-targeted UMI-seq data and developing a new variant caller to detect low-frequency point mutations in WGS data with high precision.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Nankai University, China, where I studied biological science. However, I soon discovered a stronger interest in computational biology, prompting me to pursue a Master’s degree in bioinformatics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. For my PhD studies, I chose to join Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital to gain more clinical exposure.

In my free time, I have a passion for K-pop music, cooking, playing badminton, skiing, and SUP.